I don't use a golf analogy lightly. When I can observe golfers, I am convinced that in the context of helping successful people get better, nothing is more relevant than golf instruction. Golfers suffer all the symptoms of successful people, perhaps even more acutely. For one thing, they're delusional about their success. They claim (and even believe) they're doing better than they really are. If they break 90 one time out of a hundred rounds, that exceptional round will quickly become their “usual game."
Golfers are also delusional about how they achieved success. That's why they award themselves second shots (called mulligans) when the first ones go in the wrong direction, move the ball from an awkward lie, conveniently neglect to count the occasional errant stroke, and otherwise fiddle with the rules and scorecard. All this is to buff up their handicaps and take credit for a better game than they actually possess.
Golfers, like business people, also tend to be delusional about their weaknesses, which they deny. This explains why they spend much of their time practising what they're already good at and little time on areas of their game that need work. How are these traits any different than bosses who claim more credit for a success than they're entitled to, who stretch the truth to gain an advantage, and who think they're strong in areas where others know they are weak?
Golfers, no matter how good they are, whether they sport a 30 handicap or play to scratch, they all want to get better. That's why they're always practising, scheduling lessons, trying out new equipment, fiddling with their swing, and poring over instructional advice in magazines and books.
The other advantages of Golf is that it brings an attitude of perfectionist with patience.
This blog “Golf analogy” is aimed at anyone who wants to get better at work, at home, or any other venue.